We assess children using a variety of impartial and interdisciplinary criteria including Lexile Framework for Reading, CCSS Writing Rubric, CCSS Grade Mastery for Math, and SAT-level skill assessments.
To maximize our time together, please bring your child’s most recent standardized exam score report (e.g. PARCC) and most recent school report card.
A student assessment takes 2 hours for a Reading, Writing, and Math evaluation, and/or 3 hours for a SAT or ACT diagnostic test. After the assessment, one of our academic counselors will consult with you for 30 minutes.
We can’t wait to help you see where your child stands, establish his or her academic goals, and implement a clear strategy for success. Schedule your consultation today!
The fee for student assessment and individualized plan is $150. It is waived if a student registers for an MEK Review program.