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Health Notice Update

To MEK families,

As the COVID-19 (new coronavirus) outbreak continues, MEK Review’s leadership and staff continue to closely monitoring the developing situation with concern and diligence.

Your child’s safety and health is our number one priority, so we are following all advisements from New Jersey Department of Health and local government:

  • Employees and students are washing their hands often with soap and water. We also have hand sanitizers readily available.
  • Staff is disinfecting cubicles, desks, computers, and other public surfaces at least once a day and more as needed.
  • We are closely monitoring any symptoms exhibited from staff and students, and asking all sick employees and children to remain at home and reschedule their sessions.
  • We continue to monitor any updates from the state and local governments. And we are ready to take any next steps that become necessary.


If you child is experiencing any symptoms associated with the coronavirus (fever, cough, shortness of breath), please contact us to let us know and keep your child at home.

In addition, we ask that MEK families who have recently visited a country that has a Level 3 Travel Health Notice by the Center for Disease Control follow the CDC’s advisement and remain at home for two weeks. We are also enforcing this policy with our employees, and there are no staff members at MEK that have recently traveled to the above countries.

Please contact us at 855-346-1410 or with any questions or concerns.

We will continue to keep you updated as the situation develops.

Stay healthy and safe.


MEK Review

MEK Review is the top learning center in North Jersey, dedicated to helping students of all ages begin an incredible success story. With our guidance, students have gained acceptances into the best schools in the country, earned top test scores, prepared for difficult admission tests, and transformed into their best selves in the classroom. To find your perfect solution, explore our programs or book your free consultation with an expert counselor!


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