MEK Review’s Non-Fiction Reading Course
MEK Review’s Non-Fiction Reading Course
Does your child enjoy debates, or is your child looking to pursue debate club in high school? This June, MEK is opening our summer exclusive Non-Fiction Reading Program for students in grades 6 and 7.
Non-Fiction Reading is one of MEK’s extracurricular course offerings, along with Mr. Ahn’s Perfect Circle and our re-introduction of Montage, MEK’s creative writing summer class.
Read on to learn more about our Non-Fiction Reading course and the benefits for your child!
What is MEK’s Non-Fiction Reading class?
The Non-Fiction Reading class teaches students how to read and analyze on a higher level using current events articles and debate topics. Students prepare weekly oral presentations and participate in discussions. Non-Fiction Reading classes are offered virtually and in-person on our Palisades Park and Closter campuses.
Who is a good fit for the Non-Fiction Reading Course?
Students entering grades 6 and 7 who show exceptional performance in their current MLC course or their Student Evaluation are recommended to take Non-Fiction Reading and/or Mr. Ahn’s Perfect Circle.
And 6th and 7th graders who place higher than their grade level in English may take the Non-Fiction Reading course.
What are the course objectives?
The goals of Non-Fiction Reading for both grades 6 and 7 are to teach students how to:
- Critically read and analyze non-fiction articles.
- Actively participate in discussions and learn how to come to a valid viewpoint and understanding on given issues.
- Improve their research and public speaking skills through weekly presentations.
- Understand current events and issues and how they relate to their own daily lives.
What’s the class format?
NFR classes are offered twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesday or Tuesdays and Thursdays, and each class is an hour and a half.
Each class, students will be introduced to a specific topic through a non-fiction article that they discuss with their instructor and classmates. Then, for homework, each student is to put together a presentation based on the topic from that class to be presented at the next class.
During class, students have time to develop their presentation question and position on the topic and brainstorm ideas for their presentation.
Is there a final presentation?
Yes! At the beginning of the class, students work with their teacher to choose a topic to independently research throughout the summer. They will also have homework due to show their progress on this assignment.
On the last day of class, students will give a final presentation on that topic that showcases their application of all the skills they acquired over the course of the class.
What about homework?
For all homework assignments, students are responsible for preparing a PowerPoint presentation on the topic of the week and submitting it through Canvas by the due date. Your teacher will announce the homework due date in class.
Assignments are not optional. Your work is expected to be done on your own and a reflection of your best efforts.
Partial homework counts as missing homework. Missing Homework will result in a parent conference.
How are students graded?
The only official grade students will receive for the course is the grade on their final presentation. However, your child’s instructor will provide feedback about students’ critical reading skills throughout the class.
For any other class assignments and homework, students will receive a grade of “Complete” or “Incomplete” depending on the completion of their work.
Are there make-up classes available?
There are no make-up classes available for this class. However, we do provide class recordings for absent students. If you are going to be absent or late, please contact the office at (855)-346-1410.
Absent students are responsible for watching the class video for their missed class and completing all the homework due at the next class.
Get Started
If you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free student evaluation for placement in our Non-Fiction Reading course! You’ll be taking the first step in our registration process as well learning where your child currently stands in core subject areas.
No matter what your goal is, MEK has a summer plan ready for you! Don’t miss out on our Summer 2024 Early Bird Discount where you can save up to 20%, available until 5/4! And earn an additional 10% off when you register for two or more MLC courses along with Non-Fiction Reading.
Contact us TODAY to get started!