MEK Students Accepted into Top Colleges!

MEK Students Accepted into Top Colleges!

Congratulations to our MEK students for their college acceptances! We couldn’t be happier for all of our successful students and their hard work. As they take this huge next step, we are ready to support them. Our MEK students have been accepted into top colleges and universities. Check out where our students are headed this coming fall!

College Acceptances for 2023

Here are the colleges our MEK Review seniors have been accepted to:

2023 top colleges acceptances list for MEK students

We are so proud of each and every one of you, and all of your hard work in our College Test Prep and Road Map to College programs. We can’t wait to see the great things you will achieve in the future!

Incoming 9th to 11th graders: If you want this to be you, call us at 855-346-1410 or contact us for more information. Our Second Early Bird Discount for Summer 2023 is available until 6/3, so act now and get 10% off your registration after making a $300 deposit and another extra 5% off if you pay in full by the deadline!

Jaehee Ahn

Jaehee Ahn is MEK Review's Director of Academic Counseling Services and a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. She is also an alumnus of MEK Review's SAT Prep program. If you have any questions about our College Counseling programs or wish to set up a consultation, you can email Jaehee at


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