Steps to Make 2023 Your Best Year!
Steps to Make 2023 Your Best Year!
As we prepare to leave behind 2022 and move forward into 2023, you may be inspired to reflect on the previous year.
What habits would you like to bring with you into the New Year? What would you like to leave behind?
If you’re looking for questions to help guide you through your reflection, read our blog from last year, where we give you our 7 questions to ask yourself as you prepare for the year ahead.
As educators, we believe that setting yourself up for success starts with small changes made over time that ultimately lead to success.
So, what are actionable steps you can take to make 2023 your best year yet?
Read on to find out!
1. Build a sustainable routine.
The first step in building any new routine, whether it be an exercise program or a study schedule, is to make sure that it is a routine you can stick with. Be honest with yourself about what your schedule will allow. And remember, that small chunks of time spent every day progressing toward your goal is more realistic, and sustainable, then two hours spent every day slogging through an activity. To expect yourself to spend hours upon hours every day doing any one activity will ultimately result in burn out. And we are trying to avoid burnout. Aim for 20 minutes every day and make sure that there is a goal in mind. You can also use a timer to keep track!
For example, maybe one day you are spending your twenty minutes reviewing your history notes, and the next day you are spending your twenty minutes of study time annotating your notes for biology. But make sure you are giving yourself an objective for the time allotted so that you can be as efficient as possible.
No matter how you decide to break up your schedule, just make sure the routine is one you can stick with.
2. Be consistent.
Consistency, when it comes to anything in life, is key. That’s why it’s so important to create a routine that is sustainable. If your routine is sustainable, then you will stick with it for as long as it takes to see progress and reach your goal.
It’s easier to be consistent when you have a schedule and an amount of time spent doing an activity that doesn’t feel overwhelming.
At MEK, we believe that small milestones achieved over time become big successes later on. So, showing up to your routine every day, even if you don’t see progress in the short term, will lead to long term gains. Check out our blog, where we discuss the importance of continuity and consistency!
3. Always make time for friends and family.
The holiday season is often a time filled with celebration. That means lots of time spent with family and friends. As you prepare to return to school in January, you may feel like it is time to throw yourself back into your studies. And while it is important to carve out time for achieving your academic and admissions goals, continuing to spend time with those you love is as important as hitting the books.
Did you also know that there are physical, as well as psychological, benefits to spending time with friends and family?
Fostering relationships with the most important people in your life is essential to your health and well-being. And having a support system of people who care about you will help you on your journey.
4. Prioritize your mental and physical health.
Always remember: there is more to life than a high GPA and a perfect score on standardized tests. For high achieving, ambitious students looking to gain entry into top high schools and colleges, it’s easy to become burnt out. Hours spent studying, preparing for tough standardized tests, building an academic resume, and completing application packages can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t put your physical and mental needs first.
What are some things you can do to avoid burn out?
Write down what’s on your mind in a notebook that’s for your eyes only.
Take 10-20 minutes to sit in a quiet space with your eyes closed and let your thoughts pass. You can also count your breaths. And, if this is difficult, there are great guided meditations that you can find for free on YouTube!
Go for a walk or workout
Getting physical activity, even for just a few minutes, helps release stress and even completes the stress cycle in your nervous system. So, shake out your hands, dance to your favorite tune, or take your stress out at the gym!
Get outside
Being in nature and taking in sunshine is very grounding. Pay attention to your surroundings, what you see, feel, hear, and smell to help your mind become present in the moment.
Do an activity you enjoy
Whether that’s playing video games, singing with your best friends, or doing a craft, if you enjoy doing it, then make time for it. Engaging in your favorite activities will help your mind focus on something other than what’s bringing you stress.
5. Try something new.
Sometimes after months of engaging in a routine, you may start to feel like you’re stuck in a rut. The best way to get yourself out of a slump is to try something new!
Been thinking about joining a new club at school? Sign up! Want to learn a new skill? Do some research on how to get started!
Trying something new will help you overcome your fears, exercise your creativity, and broaden your horizons.
Get Ready for 2023
Want specialized guidance to reach your goals? MEK’s expert instructors and dedicated counseling team are ready to support you on the journey to your dreams in 2023.
Check out our course offerings for Spring 2023!
Academic Enrichment & High School Admissions Prep for Grades 4-8:
- MEK Learning Circles
- Exam Prep 8 for High School Admissions
- Mr. Ahn’s Perfect Circle for Competition Math
Course & Exam Prep for Grades 9-12:
- SAT Prep for first time and experienced test takers
- Advanced Placement Course and Exam Prep
- High School Honors
For all grades:
- School Support and Academic Enrichment Tutoring
- Private Test Prep Tutoring
Click here to fill out our registration form or contact us to get started!
Final Thoughts
As you embark on the New Year, take time to express gratitude for the growth you’ve achieved, the progress you’ve made toward your goals, and the strength you will bring with you into the year ahead. It is these qualities that will guide you to success both in the next year and beyond.
We wish you a New Year filled with much happiness, prosperity, and dreams come true! Happy 2023!