This Week in AP Exam Prep: Feb. 19-26

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This Week in AP Exam Prep: Feb. 19-26

This Week in AP Exam Prep:

February 19 – 26, 2022


Want to know how to get a 5 on the AP exam in May?

Leave the test prep to us!

At MEK our AP exam program focuses on process and structure that will give you the tools to consistently answer multiple choice questions correctly, analyze word problems and reading passages, and write strong essays. Plus, our expert instructors and dedicated counselors give you the skills to optimize your AP exam study sessions outside of the MEK classroom.

With 25 years of experience in test prep, you can rest assured that you will earn your goal score on the AP exam and walk into test day with confidence.

If you’re interested in taking AP courses with MEK, read on to see what our expert instructors have been covering in class this week as well as what’s coming up.

AP Biology:

Ms. Radhika Malhotra

This week, we covered…

Cell Communication and Cell Cycle: This is the beginning of Unit 4, which builds on the previous units we’ve covered.

Next week, we will move onto our fifth unit, Heredity, with a focus on Meiosis, Genetic Diversity, Mendelian Genetics, and Non-Mendelian Genetics.

AP Calculus AB:

Mr. Demir Radoncic

This week we had an assignment review with a focus on trig intervals

Next week, we will add to our knowledge base with a review focused on function analysis.

AP Calculus BC:

Mr. Nicholas Lang

This week we reviewed our foundational knowledge of an AP exam review of the content covered so far. Next week, we will have another exam review.

AP Chemistry:

Mr. Nicholas Lang

We continued our review of Kinetics and Rate Laws. Next week, we will complete an exam review of what we learned during our lessons on Tritration Curves and K Values.

AP Physics 1:

Mr. Minjae Park

In AP Physics 1, we began our new unit on Circular Motion and Gravitation.

Next week, we will begin our fourth unit on Energy.

Getting Started

Even though our AP classes already started, it’s not too late to register! Courses are available to join until Saturday, March 5th. Check out our AP programs page to see all of our course offerings. Our expert instructors can help your child ace their AP classes and earn a 5 on the exam in May. Contact us today  for more information!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Robyn Neilsen

Robyn Neilsen is a Content Writer for MEK Review. She was a dedicated English teacher in the New Jersey public school system for 13 years and is passionate about sharing resources, content, and tips for students and parents.


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