MEK Review Programs: What is MLC?
MEK Review Programs: What is MLC?
At MEK, we believe that the key to success, both in the classroom and on tough admissions exams, is early preparation! For middle school students who are looking to ace their classes and gain admission to top high schools, MEK has the solutions to help your child reach their educational goals. Our MEK Learning Circles (MLC) program provides challenging lessons that will give MEK students the skills and confidence to excel in the classroom and the tools and strategies to earn elite scores on tough high school admissions tests.
How can our MLC program set your child up for their academic future?
Read on to find out!
What is MLC?
MEK Learning Circles (MLC) is a three tiered program for middle school students in grades 4 through 8. MLC courses help students excel in the classroom, build crucial study and communication skills, and give students a head start on preparing for high school admissions tests, such as the SSAT, ISEE, and BCA exams.
All lessons are taught by expert instructors and are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for New Jersey.
What are the three tiers of MLC?
MLC-Standard is for students who are performing at grade-level but are looking to master essential skills in English and Math in order to be top of their class and boost their GPA.
MLC-Advanced is designed for high-achieving students who want a challenge beyond the classroom and are planning on applying to elite high schools.
MLC-Enriched is for struggling students who need help building classroom, study, and communications skills that will boost confidence and give them strategies for mastering essential core topics.
What’s the criteria for taking an MLC course?
Students in grades 4 through 8 must first complete an MEK Learning Circles Evaluation Test .
After taking an MLC Evaluation Test, students receive our signature, detailed score report. This report helps the student see the exact areas of needed improvement for a student in core academic areas, such as English and Math. This highly-specific report helps students focus on their individual areas of weakness.
Then, students receive a needs assessment consultation, where they are given the best course placement for their goals based on their MLC Evaluation Test score report.
What are the benefits of MLC?
Our goal is to give your child strong study and test-taking habits through top-quality materials, proven strategies, and expert instruction. Such habits help students take the knowledge they’ve learned during each session and apply it immediately to homework for review. This way, they end up mastering these skills as quickly as possible. The skills they acquire as an MEK student are powerful skills that will last them a lifetime.
Our expert instructors understand that small wins over time lead to big successes later on. Students are placed in the MLC course that best fits their target goals, individual weaknesses, and current level of ability. Their instructors are able to create customized plans that include a specific timeline with milestones for students to reach on their journey.
We use an online learning software, called Canvas. This platform allows students and parents to have transparency about what is going on in the classroom. Canvas provides access to course mastery goals and grades for students to track and take ownership of their progress. Plus, students and parents can easily communicate with course instructors.
Students can also view all of their homework and test scores through our online student platform. They and their parents can track their progress, areas of improvement, and areas of needed improvement.
We want students to always be actively thinking about how to strategically improve. And we want parents to know their child’s areas of improvement, their struggles, and what we recommend as next steps.
Next Steps
Interested in enrolling your child in our MLC Program? Contact us today for a consultation or schedule an MLC Evaluation Test to get started! You can also learn more about our MLC program and the courses we offer.