SAT Advanced: The Ideal SAT Study Schedule
SAT Advanced: The Ideal SAT Study Schedule
MEK Review is offering SAT Prep Advanced as another test prep option for experienced test-takers. This course helps students learn important strategies and test-taking techniques to boost their score for their next official SAT test date!
Breaking the barrier from a 730 or 740 to an 800 on any of the sections of the SAT is tough. But it’s not impossible.
Read on to learn more details about what our expert instructors and dedicated counselors are doing to prepare students for the next official SAT.
What is SAT Advanced Prep?
Advanced SAT Prep classes are tailored to students who don’t need introductory content learning and are already familiar with the SAT’s format, structure, and language. These courses focus intensely on test-taking strategies to boost students’ scores for their next official test date. Students learn:
- To avoid SAT trap answer choices
- To effectively manage their time
- Tips and shortcuts to solving questions more accurately and efficiently
- Strategies for eliminating incorrect answer choices
- How to boost their mindset and mental endurance
Courses are created to be fast-paced and intensive, so students can receive the maximum benefit leading up to the SAT.
What is MEK doing to prepare students for the upcoming SAT?
At MEK, we’ve developed an ideal study plan for daily SAT engagement. This means that every day of the week students have a structured outline of how to use their class time and independent study sessions to optimize preparation.
Ideally, students must set aside 20-30 minutes of each day to review their SAT course content. Within that allotted time, students will also complete exercises in Canvas. We have found that using shorter, daily bursts of time versus longer, more sporadic study sessions are better for long term progress and building stamina, momentum, and motivation to shoot for a perfect score when completing a 20 minute SAT Practice section.
Note that all assignments on Canvas have a Thursday due date. The more students engage with the content, the quicker they will see results!
Our Daily SAT Engagement Study Plan is as follows:
Saturday: Attend Class
Attending class is obviously an important part of any ideal study plan. But how you use that class time is what counts. When in class, make sure you are being an active learner by taking notes, asking questions, and volunteering your responses. The more you engage with your instructor and peers about the course content, the better you’ll understand challenging material.
Sunday: Review Your Reading Notes
Independent study sessions outside of class are the time to review course work. We suggest using this time to study your reading notes and performance from Saturday’s class. Also, use this time to complete the Reading exercise assigned on Canvas for extra practice.
Monday: Review Your Writing Notes
Just like on Sunday, use Monday’s independent study session to review your writing notes and performance from Saturday’s class. Then, with whatever time you have leftover, complete one Writing exercise assigned on Canvas to put your skills into practice.
Tuesday: Review Your Math Notes
For this third day of review, we suggest you focus on studying your Math notes and performance from Saturday’s class. Then, complete the Math exercise assigned on Canvas to sharpen your problem-solving skills.
Wednesday: Complete Second Writing Exercise
At this point in the week, it’s time to complete your second Writing exercise and review any previous writing assignments. Having a few days away from your writing will help you see it with fresh eyes, making it easier to catch any mistakes and hone your writing skills.
Thursday: Complete Second Math Exercise
During this study session, focus on completing the second Math exercise and reviewing previous math assignments. This is also the deadline to submit your assignments to Canvas.
Friday: Review Reading Assignments & Vocabulary
Spend the study session before class reviewing your previous reading assignments. This is the time to track and study important/necessary vocabulary. Remember, that a strong vocabulary will help you better understand reading passages, questions, and answer choices.
Next Steps
These tips apply to both SAT Advanced students as well as any student who wants to elevate their performance on the SAT. Don’t be discouraged if your progress takes a little longer than someone else’s. Just stay the course, and we promise you will see results.
We also understand that students have busy schedules with homework, extracurriculars, family, and friends. Ultimately, how much you do in terms of daily exercises is up to you. MEK gives you the tools for success, but you get to decide your level of commitment.
No matter where you are in your SAT journey, MEK gives you a customized plan specific to your needs to help you reach your goal score.
Register Today!
The first step in our SAT Advanced registration process is to sign up for an In-Person or Virtual SAT Practice Test.
You’ll also receive our signature, detailed score report and an initial consultation with one of our expert academic counselors. In this 30 minute virtual or in-person meeting, parents and students will bring the student’s past SAT official score. Based on their score, college goals, and school transcript, our counselors will recommend the perfect SAT Advanced course for the individual student, plus give them expert advice on setting their overall SAT goal score. A $125 value for free!
Not sure if you should take another SAT test or if your official score is good enough? Our academic counselors will help you with that too!
Contact us here to sign up for your initial consultation.
We can’t wait to hear from you!